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  • Foto do escritorCarlos Marques

Learning Gulpjs


Website Built with Gulp preprocessor.

Repository webpage
Repository webpage

About the project

  • Website built with gulp pre-processor.

  • After a long period, without practicing programming learning and after my return to the aforementioned activity and after realizing that the gulp code evolved, as expected and as I had to update about it, this is the result of updating my gulpfile.js for the "gulp" version: "^4.0.2", from a shy and stumbling start, there I managed to catch up and follow the change in the code.

  • If you are interested and want to download it, for studies only or for any other purpose, clone the repository, edit the package.json in your own way, with the visual code, sublime text, or any other text editor of your choice, open the terminal inside the project's root directory and type npm install.

Live website page
Live website page
  • Note: The "images" function only works with the "gulp-imagemin" version: "^7.1.0", something must be broken in version 8, in the future it might work

Note: It as been interesting to say the least

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